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Individual Counseling

holiday stress depression mental emotional

Mental & Emotional Wellness During the Holidays

It sounds odd even though it can often be true The happy holidays we say wish and anticipate each year can in truth be a lesshappy time for some in Naperville IL A 2023 survey by the American Psychological Association identified that 89 of US adults said they felt stress during the holidays In addition… Read More

Teen struggling at school among peers

My High Schooler Needs Counseling for Depression and Anxiety

Fewer people today will be surprised to hear that suicidal ideation and suicide attempts are at an alltime high among the US teen population According to the CDC suicide is the leading cause of death among high schoolaged youths second only to accidents To think about the stressors this population has faced over the past… Read More

individual therapy aurora

Individual Therapy Aurora

Are you ready to thrive If you live in or near Aurora IL our counselors are here to partner with you and help you create a life you envision Its no secret that life has difficult seasons and the unprecedented last two years may have complicated your life more than you ever could have imagined… Read More

What Does a Life Coach Do?

What Does a Life Coach Do?

Do you ever feel like you cant see the forest through the trees when it comes to reaching your goals Or perhaps you experience the opposite and you see the forest but dont see the details and its preventing you from getting where you want to go in life A life coach could be your… Read More

common signs counseling is right for you

Common Signs Counseling Is Right for You

Similar to checkups designed to maintain your physical health your mental health needs support and maintenance too particularly after the lossfilled challenges our world has collectively faced amidst lockdowns illnesses and various divisions Despite valiant efforts to reduce mental health stigma it has persisted and contributes to 572 of adults not receiving care for… Read More


Understanding Different Counseling Methods

When you seek mental health help its good to know that your therapist has various tools in their toolkit to assist you in becoming the healthiest version of yourself Since no two people are alike a type of therapy that is most effective for you might differ from one that helps another person Additionally its… Read More

naperville ADHD therapist

Naperville ADHD Therapist

Attentiondeficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD has a history of being portrayed as the undisciplined troublemaking boy at school who is constantly distracting the class and disobeying authority Fortunately the narrative is changing ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects 61 million children according to a 2016 study Although we typically think of children when we hear… Read More

Personal Growth Counseling

Counseling for Personal Growth

Do you feel confused about why youre struggling to make your desires a reality Perhaps you arent even clear about what you want for your life We all have areas in our lives that can be enhanced through personal growth to create a life that feels meaningful to us Also known as personal development or… Read More

How Do You Know If You Need Personal Counseling Services

How to Know If You Need Personal Counseling Services?

Seeking out personal counseling services is a sign of strength It requires fortitude to recognize that something in your life isnt working for you and you need guidance to change it Here we will discuss indications that you could benefit from personal counseling services Common Signs That You Need Personal Counseling Services You probably know… Read More

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