Perhaps your child just came out to you as identifying with the LGBTQIA community in Naperville Aurora Bolingbrook Plainfield or Downers Grove IL This is big news no matter where you fall on any scale of acceptance You might have even considered yourself very openminded but when it comes to your child your reaction might… Read More

What Is Family Counseling?
Families are a complex web of interconnected relationships that continually influence each other and even healthy relationships can sometimes get messy And its also apparent that the past year and a half has been particularly challenging for families coping with unprecedented changes and loss Fortunately family counseling can help Family counseling gives you an opportunity… Read More

Naperville ADHD Therapist
Attentiondeficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD has a history of being portrayed as the undisciplined troublemaking boy at school who is constantly distracting the class and disobeying authority Fortunately the narrative is changing ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects 61 million children according to a 2016 study Although we typically think of children when we hear… Read More

Broken Relationships: Can Counseling Help?
If something is broken beyond repair we let it go and toss it in the trash If the pieces can be put back together we repair the item instead to make it appear as if a break never happened Enter the Japanese art of Kintsugi an intriguing metaphor for broken relationships Kintsugi means golden repair… Read More

Naperville Family Therapy and General Counseling
Lets face it Sometimes life can be difficult Balancing our family life with our careers and other responsibilities can at times be a daunting task Even the most successful people may occasionally feel as if life is moving a bit too quickly It is during times like these when some reflection along with a little… Read More

5 Signs You Need Counseling
Contrary to popular misconception, you don’t have to be “crazy,” desperate or on the brink of a meltdown to go to therapy. Read More